Our Vision
Our vision is that all people have access to adequate sexual, relational and social education. To provide a supportive and safe space for people to learn and build on their skills, grow their confidence and lead healthy lives.
Our Mission
Our mission is to have a holistic approach to providing sexual, relational and social education to people of all abilities
Our Values
At PASH we choose to always take a personable approach to education and consistently tailor our services to meet the many varying needs of the people that we support.
We value collaboration and commit to working with a person's support network to help them achieve their goals.
We value honesty and feedback. We see it important to keep the people that we support in the forefront of everything we do and hold ourselves accountable to this.
We value healthy decision making and healthy relationships. We support all people to first have a healthy relationship with
and understanding of self, to then hold healthy relationships with those around them.